Saturday, January 31, 2009

Took Tarin to the doctor this week for her 4 month check up and everything looked great. She is 13 lbs 10 oz and is 24 1/2 inches long now. Getting so big! She is a pound lighter than Brennan was at this age and about the same length. Joby went to get her out of her crib yesterday and she had rolled over for the first time. It's amazing how quickly time goes by.  

Sunday, January 25, 2009

More Firsts for Tarin

Tarin got to try out her exersaucer last week and tried rice cereal for the first time Friday at daycare. She turned 4 months old yesterday. What a big girl. As you can see, big sister likes to be involved with everything she does.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brennan's birthday party was a blast yesterday. She had a lot of fun and she was very excited to open all her presents. Her favorite gifts were from Me Me (Elmo's Restaurant) and NaNa (paint crayons). She played with those crayons for an hour last night! Maybe we have another artist in the family! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tarin's Growing Up!

This has been a big week for Tarin. She had her first laugh this past Sunday night and she has just started being able to reach and grasp objects. I never thought it would be as exciting the second time around, but it is!

Brennan turned two!

Well it's hard to believe that Brennan is 2 years old already yesterday. The time has flown by. She had a great time digging into her Backyardigans Pablo birthday cupcake here at home, but her party is not until this Saturday.